Exploring theory with practica musica pdf
Exploring theory with practica musica pdf

Of the nineteen essays, originally published between 19 (apart from one still unpublished paper), eleven first appeared in Festschriften, conference reports, and multi-authored books, one only in German It is no accident that they all concern Italian music and thought, because this was the principal terrain of musical innovation in this period. The studies are focused on several of my central and abiding interests: the transition from strict counterpoint in the mid-sixteenth century to the experimentation with new, freer, idioms at the beginning of the seventeenth the search for verifiable scientific truth as a basis for music theory the ascendancy of the power of the verbal text in musical settings and the recovery and imitation of the musical culture of antiquity. Rather, it unites widely dispersed strands that beg to be drawn together into a coherent web.

exploring theory with practica musica pdf

PREFACE UNLIKE some retrospective collections of essays, this is not intended to be a panorama ofa life’s work. Typeset by Best-Set Ltd., Hong Kong Printed in Great Britain on acid-free paper by Biddles Ltd.

exploring theory with practica musica pdf

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Exploring theory with practica musica pdf